Prodej apartmánu, Parque de la Reina, Španělsko

Parque de la Reina

280 000 €
/za nemovitost

Parametry nemovitosti

AdresaParque de la Reina
Stav objektuDobrý
Typ objektuPřízemní
Druh objektuSamostatný
Lokalita objektuKlidná část obce
Plocha budovy153 m2
Bezbarierový přístup

Origo partneři


For sale beautiful spacious duplex after renovation with 3 bedrooms, in the area of El Cho II, Parque de la Reina!This beautiful duplex is located in the residential complex Timanfaya II, in the area of El Cho II, Parque de la Reina. It has a total of 153 m2 divided between 2 floors and 25 m2 and nbsp;of which is a large outdoor terrace. It has been completely renovated and is fully furnished. You can find here a total of 3 spacious bedrooms, one of which is currently used as a study and it is up to you how you want to use it in the future. There are also 2 new bathrooms, a separate fully equipped kitchen with dishwasher and on each floor there is also a living room. On the upper floor there is an additional small kitchenette in the living room. The duplex also has a large terrace with seating and BBQ area where you can enjoy the sunshine and beautiful views of the surrounding nature, mountains and ocean. There is also garage parking and storage space available. The residence itself then has an elevator and also a community large pool. and nbsp;Community fees are 93 EUR/month and IBI tax is 240 EUR/year. and nbsp;The area of El Cho II, Parque de la Reina, is quiet and safe, at the same time you have everything close by - sports facilities, cultural centre, school and all services, supermarkets or restaurants. And only 10 minutes by car to Los Cristianos or Playa de las Américas and also to the southern airport. and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;


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